Friday, July 20, 2007

Jobs for disabled workers up 70%

There has been a 70 per cent increase in the number of disabled workers recruited into mainstream jobs during the first three months of the year, representing a record high and indicative of changing attitudes towards disabled works in the UK.

The increase shows that more disabled workers are finding work alongside able-bodied colleagues, suggesting that employers may be doing more to accommodate disabled workers and exploit the talent that is available.

Bob Warner of Remploy, the company that published the statistics, asserted that positive change is being put into effect in the area of disability in the workplace."

These new figures show that investing in preparing and training disabled people for mainstream employment works," he said.

Mr Warner continued to state that on the whole, disabled workers prefer to work in a mainstream environment where they can make the most of their skills and assets."

Disabled people tell us that they would prefer to work in open employment with non-disabled colleagues and employers are now more aware of the skills and abilities disabled people bring to their business," he explained.

Visit the Remploy website

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At 10:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is fantastic news. Especially after a study that discovered that the disabled are the most likely to starve to death. And that's here in America.

At 9:35 am, Blogger william said...

If the measure fails, Metro could make drastic service cuts - including about half of its bus routes and all service north of Interstate 270 - as early as next June.
Search Engine Optimization

At 8:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you are doing nice job for disabled persons.

At 4:08 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is good news. Can you teach the US how to do this? All of our government does is to keep you away from a job. I'm desperate!!!!!!

At 3:01 am, Blogger roni said...

this is great information. employer's are now understanding that anyone can do a certain job long as their mind is capable of doing so. also this means that companies are trying to diversify their employees.

At 4:35 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is great news, I like to see that more disabled people are getting out in the workforce and making an impact.

At 7:07 am, Anonymous Brian said...

This is a great news.I am desperate to see more improvements......

Minority recruiting

At 1:53 am, Blogger Grav0139 said...

I think it is a good idea that disabled people are getting hired more now. They are just like us, they just have to work harder to over come their disability.

At 8:29 pm, Anonymous Jessie Miller said...

This is such a positive step for America. It's great that the companies are not being prejudice towards these disabled workers. They are giving them the chance to show that they can work just as efficiently as non-disabled workers. We need to find a way to really help them and accommodate them to the workplace.

At 7:34 pm, Anonymous James H. said...

I think this is awesome because it gives disabled individuals an equal oppourtunity to succeed in the labor force. Disabled invidviduals could always bring something to the table and its good to see that their voices are finally being heard and accepted.

At 6:38 pm, Blogger Jarell said...

This is great news seeing equality go out to help those with disabilities. I think diversity is something America needs to strengthen and practice more. Giving jobs to disabled people shows that we now longer are looking at them with pity in our eyes, but as people who can carry there own weight as well.

At 8:23 am, Anonymous kendra peterson said...

I think this is a wonderful thing and to be in the city where they are cutting jobs left and right but to hear about disabled individuals being lucky to get a job is wonderful.

At 1:14 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

I have an aunt who is mentally handicapped and she works at Chili's. She has worked there for several years and has loved it. Although mentally handicapped workers do get payed way below minimum wage it is still a good thing more jobs are becoming available to them. My aunt has to be doing something she can just not sit around and do nothing. If it wasn't for her job she would drive herself crazy. A problem not addressed in this article is respect for mentally handicapped workers and how they are treated amongst there co workers.

At 12:57 pm, Blogger kiara said...

i think this is really goood. disabled people should be allowed to work just as much as any other employer.

At 1:25 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only is this good for the disabled, but it is also good for the workers within that company. They will be introduced to a more diverse workplace and will ultimately build the workers outlook on the disabled.


At 5:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this great because you alway can make more money when your working then you can on disabilty and all so get you out of the house and in turn you may have a more diversity of friends

At 5:59 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not only is this good for the disabled, but it is also good for the workers within that company. They will be introduced to a more diverse workplace and will ultimately build the workers outlook on the disabled.

At 7:22 pm, Anonymous Tomorrows Workplace said...

Diversity in the Canadian Workplace, whether for disabled, ethnic, gender or age is forcing business to look at the workplace in a new way and consider options previously ignored. Labor shortages have a silver lining - ingenuity and new ideas must flourish. This post was dated in 2007 - I imagine now in 2010 there is an even better percentage.

At 4:29 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this is simply fantastic. After all, everyone wants to be able to do the same things as everyone else in the end. These people are fully capable of this, even with just a little care, and i'm sure they appreciate it and are very hard workers. I wish the US would open up to this kind of developement. It's hard for anyone to get a job here no matter who you are or what you are capable of.

At 1:43 am, Blogger Jon said...

This is great news, "jobs for disabled workers up 70%." I'm all for people getting back to work. There is one issue I have and it involves the terms "disabled" and "able-bodied." I have what is considered (in western culture) a "disability." For several years, my struggle with this term was surfacing. I thought to myself, "do people enjoy being called disabled? What about the term able-bodied? What's going on here?" I haven't come up with any replacement labels but I'm working on it. Somehow it just seems to be time for a change. The term "disabled" seems to promote negativity for someone; especially when an "able-bodied" person is spoken of in the same context. Once again, I'm all for people working. I just wanted to share a thought about changing wording.
Thanks, Jon (Massachuseets)

At 1:40 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is great oppurtunity... not to many people open there eyes to see the bigger picture.

At 6:13 pm, Anonymous Diversity Training said...

This is amazing news! Thanks for passing this along.

At 3:10 am, Anonymous Disability Training said...

This is incredible. It's unfortunate the world economies have taken such a bad turn. Unemployment is up for everyone, especially those with disabilities.

At 1:19 pm, Blogger Unknown said...

This is very important because devirsity refers to all of the ways in which people are different. This is such a positive step for America. It's great that the companies are not being prejudice towards these disabled workers. They are giving them the chance to show that they can work just as efficiently as non-disabled workers. We need to find a way to really help them and accommodate them to the workplace.
Willie Drummond

At 1:56 am, Anonymous NIeja Ward said...

This is great to know that there are programs that are available through different companies that are providing opportunities for disabled workers. This company is the voices of many disable people who acquire the same or better skills than those of able bodies.
This diversity can be an educational tool for all, because it allows people to see another way of getting the job done, regardless of what you are faced with in life.I think having a disable colleague in the work place is an eye opener allows room for growth
My only concern would be is the hiring is fair.If a disable person and an able applicant are both applying for the same position, will they be hired fairly or would the company hire the disable body to make sure that they accommodate the requirement to meet the diversity quota.

At 2:09 am, Anonymous Hannah said...

I realize this article was posted some time ago, but I think that is great to see that there was a rise in jobs for disabled workers! That is such an important area of employment and I hope the numbers are still up today too!

At 5:44 pm, Anonymous Scott said...

It is good to see society stepping in the right direction and optimizing the capabilities of disable people in the workplace

At 11:33 pm, Blogger Yuangeng Zhang said...

I always think it is really unfair for people who born in natural disability. If they are discriminated for their disability, how can they make their lives? And the most important thing is that their ability of working have no difference from others in most field. Why can't society offer more jobs to them? I believe that everyone has responsibility to help minority people living better.

At 5:06 am, Anonymous Kevin said...

I have a freind who is diabled. His mind is quick only his body is frail. yet, he does a wonderfull job at work. They love his skills and abilities he is a big part of the team. As a business owner we need to explore more of the talents of others.Let us overlook the weaknesses of others and look at their strigths.

At 9:44 pm, Anonymous mistyc said...

I think that this is great that they are able to get work but at the same time we still have people that are too lazy to go out and get jobs and would rather sit at home and collect that check on the first I think that after a certain amount of time that they should not be able to get that and FORCED to go get a job. If the disabled can go get jobs why can't the able???

At 1:52 am, Anonymous MINA said...

That is really great news. I know in my country(Korea), there aren't many opportunities or services for disabled. I know it'g getting better, but with the money and effort, it takes long time. And sometimes, its hard to see the changes that are improving. But news like this give somewhat positive mind for disabled and also make society to put more effort and time improving opportunity and services for disabled

At 4:18 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so good to hear. I strongly believe that everyone is equal no matter what thier situation is.

At 4:32 am, Anonymous Kaelei said...

This is great to hear! I work with people everyday who are disabled who need help like this and I am glad to hear that something is being done!

At 6:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is encouraging news. My wife has MS and is currently working for a state agency. She is fortunate to have a fairly supportive group of coworkers and upper management colleagues who are willing to overlook her physical limitations and credit her with the work she has accomplished and is currently undertaking. She has been given the opportunity to create a workstation at home and has pending approval from the president to work from home when she is unable to leave the house. I know she wants to work and will do so as long as she is given the tools and support for her to do so. I hope such trends continue for those who have the mind, talent, desire and the ability to work.

At 3:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is wonderful news to hear that employers are giving disabled people a chance to work. Most employers would even take the chance because it is a chance that they will not work out.


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