Wednesday, July 18, 2007

CRE launches 'Mixedness and Mixing: New Perspectives on Mixed-Race Britons'

The CRE has today launched a website, 'Mixedness and Mixing: New Perspectives on Mixed-Race Britons'.

On the site, the CRE will be running an eConference from 4-6 September 2007 and is calling for written submissions from the public, academics and third sector organisations.

The website will mark the first in a series of events aimed at taking a closer look at issues relating to mixed-race and mixed families. Over half of mixed-race people are under 16 years of age, with 79% being born in the UK. This is the fastest growing, youngest and most diverse ethnic group in Britain today.

Kay Hampton, Chair of the CRE, said: "Britain is changing and our understanding of ethnicity must develop accordingly. This on-line event provides a valuable opportunity to explore the current issues faced by one of the least understood groups in the UK, mixed-race Britons."

It is through the personal accounts of individuals today that we learn to how to shape the future of racial equality tomorrow.

Submissions may cover anything from research summaries and case studies to personal accounts and fiction. To take part, please submit 1,000 words by 13 August on the subject of mixed-race or mixed families in Britain.

Visit the website

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At 3:51 am, Blogger Bob said...

At first I was surprised about the large mixed race presence in Britain. I used to think USA was number one in that regard but not even close.

At 6:13 pm, Anonymous Training Diversity said...

Thanks for sharing this!


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