Monday, September 04, 2006

Wealth of richest Asians grows three times faster than economy

Asian entrepreneurs in Britain have increased their wealth at three times the pace of economic growth, thanks to a rising focus on high-value industries such as IT, a new report shows.

Britain's 200 richest Asians increased their wealth by 69% in real terms between 1998 and 2005, compared with GDP growth of 22.8%, according to a study published today by Barclays Business Banking.

The boom means Asian entrepreneurs need £5m to join the top 200 rich list, compared with £2m in 1998. The report highlights a shift away from their traditional industries - such as textiles and manufacturing - as growth opportunities in these areas dry up.

They are focusing on hi-tech and service-sector businesses. "Wealth is now built on a much broader base of entrepreneurs who are challenging traditional stereotypes and making serious money in hi-tech industries," said Satish Kanabar, corporate director at Barclays Business Banking.

"They are in the vanguard of the emerging hi-tech, service economy."

The pharmaceuticals industry is the largest source of Asian wealth in Britain, rising 50-fold between 1998 and 2005. Asian businesses have also more than trebled wealth creation from the hotels sector, according to the study.

Read the full story from The Guardian


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