£2.7m boost for sign language users
The Welsh Assembly has announced funding of up to £2.7m to increase the number of British Sign Language interpreters in Wales. There are 3,000 people in Wales who use British Sign Language (BSL) as their first or preferred language.
Professional interpreters allow deaf sign language users quicker and better access to services such as the NHS, the police and local authorities. Having to read, write or lipread a second spoken language, such as Welsh or English, in which they may have limited literacy, often leaves sign language users with poor access to information.
Equalities Minister Jane Hutt, said: "Today’s announcement is a major step forward in promoting social inclusion. The problems people can face if there aren’t interpreters available cannot be underestimated. There are recorded cases where sign language users have faced severe difficulties in reporting crimes; and have had to communicate with health staff in inappropriate and undignified situations."
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